Tuesday, April 12, 2011


(mode: speaking rojak language sesedap rasa)

hello there.. currently i'm sitting on a chair in library.

what? lib-ra-ry? since when? since minggu depan nak final exam la.. ahaha. (buat-buat nak study biochemistry)

after all, still, updating this so called 'perasan-bagus-dan-perasan-orang-ramai-baca' blog. *eheh*

without taking so much time babling around, let's proceed to this topic.

kawan. friends. sahabat. saing. sodiqati.

actually they give a same meaning, which is a person who you rely on in any situation, whether on hard-time, joyful, sad, and everything- without any blood relation with you. someone who you feel comfortable, not 'plastik' in from of them, and so on. (of course, you guys can describe better than me)

a true friend, is it really hard to find. they are just like a small crystal in a mountain of glass. well, they shine same as well. but, yet still different.

praise to ALLAH, i'm always have friends (good friends) around me, at my every condition, at every place i go. dari sekolah pasti zaman kecik-kecik lagi kot (riak la pulak). saya ada kawan yang saya kawan dari kecik sampai sekarang (tribute to CUCI geng- ecah, pipah, mira, che, piya, qilah, mynn). as i remember, we never have fight or merajuk-merajuk or what other ge-li things. tapi kadang-kadang time berbeza pendapat tu, adalah jugak. all we do together- makan waktu rehat, study (erk?) naik bas, lompat pagar sekolah lepas exam habis (leh tahan jahat jugak dulu) dan macam-macam lagik la. tapi sekarang semua dah makin jauh due to berbeza tempat belaja dan jugak masa.

ok.. eventhough i have bestfriends, but all my friends - pasti arrasyidin, sk mentuan, maahad muhammadi perempuan, plkn, kolej MARA kulim, universiti malaysia terengganu- do have special place in my heart *sila terharu semua*. i cant live without you, people!

but, sometimes i have a gaduh-gaduh manja with them. whether the fault is on my side, or their side, saya, dengan kerendahan hatinya ingin memohon maap. huhu. always bear in your minds that,

' we are human being, befriend with also, human being (not with malaikat). we never escape from doing something wrong or annoying things. but still, we are FRIENDS.'

' ya ALLAH, sahabat ini bungaku. tanpanya tiada seri hidupku. ya ALLAH, sahabat ini ubatku. penawar duka laraku'

tribute to all my darlings, I LOVE YOU!!!

~~~ be my BFF ~~~ 

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